Helium, a business dedicated to building brands; by telling the story that is theirs alone. Continuing a legacy of delivering world-class services to customers since the year 2000, starting from the concept generation to the final execution. In the last 13 years we have activated 35 brands, touching approximately 75 million consumers, distributed over 7 million samples and knocked over 10 million doors.


Armed with insightful consumer intelligence and market research, we conceive and refine idea after idea, after idea, until we find the one that raises your voice above the noise. Strategies at Helium help you penetrate deeper into the hearts and minds of your customers. Delivering services on everything along the marketing spectrum from Brand Activation’s, Marketing Strategies, Events, Digital Interactions, Experiential to Creative Solutions. In the proverbial nutshell, we engage from every dimension.


It comes through in the work we do, the partnerships we form, and the skills we help each other hone. Our fundamental values not only embody what our company is all about, but they are what you can expect from all of us at all times.

Case Studies

We know in our hearts when we’ve nailed it. And we wrestle with it until it sings. It’s not about building our portfolio or hanging awards on the wall. It’s about setting industry benchmarks.

“Audiences everywhere are tough. They don’t have time to be bored or brow beaten by Orthodox, old fashioned advertising”.
– Craig Davis

Helium gives it’s clients a 360 degree experience. We are the people behind your brand. We live every day creating experiences for the consumers to make them have a stronger bond with the brands that have become a part of their lives.



- Barry Libert

Be passionate about the culture and the business, and remain positive, because it inspires others

- Barry Libert
- Henry Ford

Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success

- Henry Ford
- Confucius

The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential… these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence

- Confucius
- Don Galer

Integrity is what we do, what we say, and what we say we do

- Don Galer